Most men I know, and particularly the ones in my life, are so, well,.....predictable. Most of the time. They leave the seat up. Their anatomical noises are uninhibited and disgusting. Their table manners rival those of the family pet. Petty annoyances (yes, I want to reclaim my kitchen space) become more tolerable after a while, but will never go away. The cases of Bomb Pops eaten in a one-hour sitting drive me nuts (it's a short trip). The cutlery and dishes found in his truck - PLEASE!! But then there's always the surprise out of the blue on a Thursday afternoon that can make your day - I had one of those moments today. You see, no matter how nice he is to me (always), no matter how he treats me in public (like I'm the most important person in the room), I have shown little appreciation for that. I pray for less selfishness and more acknowledgment of random acts of kindness shown to me. I heard something today that reinforces something I hope that someday my sons will learn ..."How to Treat a Girl."
Mom was relating a story in true Gma fashion - long and drawn out - about the lawn care he had done for her. The perfect raking, bagging, and disposal of years of yard waste - as only Gma can tell. The he was pulling out of the driveway, he stopped, opened the door, leaned out and asked "Have I ever told you how much
I love your daughter?" I'm not sure who was more taken aback - Gma when she heard that, or me when she told me. Regardless, it made me feel a bit unworthy, yet so blessed. I do not deserve this. He is a much nicer person than I am. He never expected her to tell me, and that's what made it so powerful. It's not the first time he's told someone else something kind and loving about me that slowly trickled back to my ears. It says even more than when he tells me himself. Boys, listen up. And if anyone out there intends to take my daughter as a wife, this is a requirement. "Character is determined by what you do when you think no one is watching.
Tea time: Tazo Joy
Geeze I'm bawling!
But I don't think anyone out there intends to take your daughter as a wife :)
one who's worthy of you hasn't come along yet. In His time, my dear, in His time....
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