Tuesday, May 13, 2008

O 2 B 29.again

I printed and framed this for my "baby" girl 8 years ago. I'm proud to say she's still learning and growing, and has also acquired lots of life's lessons from people other than me. Tough lessons. Messy lessons. Real lessons. But lessons we all need to learn eventually. I only pray that every now and again, she reads it. And if you're someone's child, you should read it, too, no matter how old you are. Because in the big picture, we are all God's children.

Reflectons of a Mother
I gave you life, but cannot live it for you.
I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn.
I can give you directions, but I cannot be there to lead you.
I can allow you freedom, but I cannot account for it.
I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe.
I can teach you right from wrong, but I cannot always decide for you.
I can buy you beautiful clothes, but I cannot make you beautiful inside.
I can offer you advice, but I cannot accept it for you.
I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you.
I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish.
I can teach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor.
I can advise you about friends, but cannot choose them for you.
I can advise you about sex, but I cannot keep you pure.
I can tell you the facts of life, but I can't build your reputation.
I can tell you about drink, but I can't say "no" for you.
I can warn you about drugs but I can't prevent you from using them.
I can tell you about lofty goals, but I can't achieve them for you.
I can teach you about kindness, but I can't force you to be gracious.
I can warn you about sins, but I cannot make you moral.
I can pray for you, but I cannot make you walk with God.
I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you eternal life.
I can love you with unconditional love all of my life...and I will.

Never, never, never quit. (This was lovingly stitched on her tennis towel, also)
Love, Mom 5/13/00
(My apologies for not knowing the author.)

Tea today: Blue mango green